In agroforestry, woody perennials, like trees, shrubs, palms, etc., are grown on the same land-management units as crops and animals. The different land use is arranged spatially or in temporal sequences. In these systems, there are both ecological and economic interactions between the different components.

SPagrofo07 – Extremadura, Spain

This demo site is focused on dehesas, traditional agro-silvo-pastoral ecosystems of the Iberian Peninsula originated from the thinning of closed forests to combine tree, agriculture and grassland exploitation The objective of Ds7 is to estimate the total SOC and GHG balance in as many C pools as possible in a gradient of management practices for this ecosystem. For this, in- situ information from forest monitoring networks such as the Spanish National Forest Inventory (SFI) and level I and level II plots of ICP- Forests will be used. It will be the first application of Yasso and other soil models to a typical Mediterranean silvopastoral ecosystem and a chance to measure their accuracy and applicability in MRV context.

ITagrofor08 – Casale Monferrato, Italy

This demo site has two management systems: forestry and agroforestry. It is characterised by the presence of poplar plantations in the arable crops, a practice that was common in north-west Italy in the past.
Tree plantations are a good option for biodiversity preservation, climate change adaptation and mitigation, and carbon credits. The demo site specialises in poplar cultivation, supported by the identification and deployment of new genotype clonal selection. It will demonstrate that poplar short rotation coppice systems to produce bioenergy can be implemented in the agroforestry system.